Christ the Pantocrator Celtic Carmelite Wisdom Mission and Monastic Community

Dr. Covey is the Founder, Spiritual Father, General Minister, and Abbot of this Mission and Monastic Community. It is a ministry of Christian counseling, healing, holistic care, prayer, soul care, spiritual guidance, wisdom teaching, and worship.
The Celtic Carmelite
Wisdom Path of Life
- Live in the awareness that God created Everything out of His love and essence.
- Live in the awareness that all of creation is holy and sacred since it is filled with the love and presence of God.
- Live in the awareness that you are filled with and surrounded by the love and presence of God.
- Live in the awareness that you are the beloved child of God.
- Love God out of the love with which He has loved you.
- Love others out of the love with which God has loved you.
- Forgive others as you have been forgiven by God.
- Be grateful for all of the blessings which flow from God.
- Listen for the heartbeat of God in all of Life
- Be a good shepherd of all aspects of God’s creation.
- Spend time in nature meditating on the beauty of God’s creation.
- Live simply.
- Love God, serve others, pray, and study.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, this CELTIC CARMELITE WISDOM PATH OF LIFE was written over time by Bishop Floyd L. Covey, Sr., D.D.; Th.D.; Ph.D.; C. Carm. of C.T.P.; O.SS.T., and published on this Feast Day of St. Brigid, 02/01/2023.